Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tips for Finding a New Hair Stylist

Do you get a bit frustrated when you are looking for a new hair stylist?  

If you are very particular like I am, it could take a few weeks.  I have been there, oh yes! Getting my hair done has been a journey in itself.  Trying different hairdressers, traveling distances searching for "the one" that could nail that cut or sew in a full head, flat! Having a 5pm appointment and not leaving the hair salon til 12am, I could write a book on my experiences.

In case you're trying to find a new stylist, fear not!  Here are tips that will help you during your search.

TALK! - Ask and look around. If you see a person with a style or a cut that you like ask them who does their hair. Most people will be extremely flattered and give you the info on their stylists.

EXPERIENCE – This doesn’t mean that you want to look for the stylist who has been doing hair the longest. Sometimes a stylist who has been doing hair for a long time may not have kept up with the latest techniques and cutting edge technology. But on the flip side that stylist may have really honed their craft. What you want to look for is somebody you feel not only has lots of experience with hair like yours, but also is abreast of what is going on in the hair care industry.

EXPERTISE – You may not want to rely on one stylist for all the services you need. Rarely ever will you find a stylist that is great at everything. Finding a stylist that specializes in one service you need and another for the other services is also a good idea.  When you find them, stick to them.  Don't have too many hands in your head. For instance, find a great stylist for relaxed hair and then find another stylist who braids extensions well. It may not be the most convenient way, but we are talking about beauty not convenience here ladies.

TIME - I have experienced waiting over an hour before my turn in the chair or being at salon for 5-8 hours because the stylist is running way behind on her appointments.  I don't like my time being wasted.  I understand uncontrollable situation happen but if it is something that happens all the time, there is a problem.  To avoid spending my entire day at the salon, I book my appointment first thing in the morning.  I have had an appointment as early as 5am.

TRAIL RUN – When you decide that you have found a stylist that meets your criteria and is in your price range then its time to give them a trial run. Have them do a simple service like a wash and style or have them add a few tracks in at the back of your head. During this trial run, make observations on their technique and professionalism.

TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS - Even if they do a great job on your hair if you don’t feel like you would be comfortable letting them do your hair find someone else. Don't feel pressured to going back, it would be a waste of your time and money.

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Unknown said...

Thanks for these tips :D


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